
Friday, May 1, 2009

Labor Day

May 1 is Labor Day in the Philippines. Public offices (and some private offices) are close for this holiday. What instills in my mind when it is Labor Day in the Philippines are the different strikes or rallies in the streets. Different labor groups are marching the street hoping to be heard. Their cry is always the wage increase which is really needed. The endless increase of the prices of the commodities that is essential for daily living makes the ordinary man's earning not enough to support his family. I really can't blame those protesters.

I actually saw a clip of Philippine rallies shown in the HLN News.I hope that these rallies are peaceful.

Happy Labor Day Kabayan!


Umma said...

Hi Lulu... yeah its Labor Day in Phils but if you are in US. you will celebrate Labor day on Sept.

Happy weekend.

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