
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Rosary Month

It is October again and it is a rosary month.

My mom is really a religious person. I guess she was influenced by her old folks. I always remember my grandmother and her sisters waking up as early as 4am to say the rosary. Growing up, it was not very pleasing to us kids to be woke up at early morning to say the rosary. In fact, whenever we are woke up to say the rosary we all get mad and ended up sleeping halfway.

I guess my parents know that the 4am rosary was not working so we ended up praying the rosary before dinner time. As kids, we are obliged to be at home at 6:00pm. Every 6:00 PM the bell in our church will ring for Angelus prayer that is our cue that wherever and whatever we are doing, we should go inside the house and pray the Angelus and rosary.

When we all got older and leading our own lives, Mom doesn't require us anymore to be home at 6pm. But Mom never fails to pray the rosary everyday still, although the time varies now. Most of the times, she will wake up at 4-5am to pray the rosary.

October is different though. It is somewhat our tradition, to pray the rosary together. Even when we were no longer living with Mom, during October we always find time to sit together and pray the rosary.

I hope to do my share of our rosary tradition this year. I know last year I missed a couple of times. I wish also that I will be even as half as mom's faith and religiousity.


Anonymous said...

I do missed the golden old days! Do you think rosary by the phone works?

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