The list below is my favorites when it comes to heroines. Heroines not only because they kick asses the hardest but for me they are heroines because they are exceptional in their roles.
Sarah Fitzgerald (Cameron Dias) - My Sister's Keeper
***giving up your profession, taking care of your sick child 24/7, a story of a mother who is willing to do everything for her sick child***
Sidney Bristow (Jennifer Gardner) - Alias TV Series
*** this is one of my favorites. I just like how sleek Sidney is in her role as an agent***
Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) - Legally Blonde
*** i know this is not your typical heroine but hey I like this. I like how she succeeded against all odds.***
Belle Williams (Queen Latifah) - Taxi
*** who doesn't wish to drive like Belle?***
Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) - Silence of the Lambs
***trusting a cunning, brilliant and psychotic killer in order to get clues of another ruthless killer. this movie just makes your heart stop beating***
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