When it comes to movie bonding, I think we can consider ourselves on the top of it. We usually watch movies almost every night. Actually it is around 1am. We have weird hours as Dave works in the afternoon shift. We can stay up late and wake up late too. On nights when we don't have new movies to watch, we just pick one in our collection.
One of the first movie marathons that I remember is the Lord of the Rings Series. We watched it for three straight nights. It was really fun as we just snuggle while watching the movie.
One of our first movie dates in the movie house is the movie Perfect Stranger. We watched it before Andrea came to our lives so we were on a date mode... sharing popcorn and drink while watching the movie in the theater.
Our first IMAX experience was in US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. We watched the movie about MARS. I couldn't remember the title but we watched it during my birthday last April 2007 with my father-in-law and his wife.
We had more movie dates before Andrea came and now we are looking forward for Andrea to be old enough to watch movies in the theater even if it means we have to watch kids movies.
That is sweet how your movie dates have evolved along with your relationship. Sharing them with family is only natural, but saving a few for yourselves late night is terrific.
Watching movie is one of our favorite bonding moments, too. :)
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