
Monday, November 9, 2009

Monday Movie Meme: Deep Impact

The first time, I see the theme for today, I was not sure if I will have an entry. I couldn't think of a film that change my views in life. All of a sudden the movie The Passion of Christ popped in my mind and I know that will be my entry for today.

Anyway, I grew up appreciating the Holy Week. In observance of Holy Week, we always do the stations of the cross, we attend the washing of the feet and the last suffer and we listen to the 7 last words. We observe different services until Easter. These are our traditions during Holy Week. This may sound out of topic, but I just decided to include it since my entry is about The Passion of Christ... which is the center of Holy Week Celebration.

This film depicts the final hours of Jesus Christ, starting from His prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane and His betrayal at the hands of Judas Iscariot. It goes on to show the trials He endured under Pontius Pilate and King Herod as well as the torture and ridicule He suffered in between. Once the death sentence is pronounced, He carries a heavy wooden cross to Golgotha amidst throngs of jeering citizens and horrendous beatings, while a few citizens do what they can to help Him. Throughout this time, we are shown memories from His past with His mother and Disciples, where He gives His teachings. Finally, He is crucified, dies, and is buried, but resurrects from the dead on the third day


kayerj said...

I've heard this movie was very good. I also chose a movie about Christ. my Monday movie

The Bumbles said...

Religion, and this movie in particular, was a very strong theme in people's choices this week. I have learned that this film moved many of you - thank you for sharing.

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