Wheelchair accessible vehicles are a must for people with disabilities because it helps them maneuver their wheelchairs with ease. Vehicles like this have bigger interior size and is equipped with a means of wheelchair entry such as wheelchair ramp or powered lift.
Some people with disabilities found independence by using wheelchair accessible vehicle. They were able to drive themselves and become independent. Of course, there are processes to follow before you will gain your freedom as you have to make sure that you get the right vehicle, consult a certified driver rehabilitation specialist and undergo training too.
The NMEDA (National Mobility Equipment Dealer Association) is there to help you all the way. All NMEDA members work together to provide safe and reliable adapted transportation solutions so that people with disabilities will gain independence. NMEDA dealers are Quality Assurance program accredited. All NMEDA QAP dealers offer 24 hour local emergency assistance, on-site sales and support. They also offer in-person individual evaluations.
The NMEDA is a big advocate for mobility and accessibility for drivers with disabilities. They provide help and tips in buying a wheelchair accessible vehicle. Please visit a NMEDA QAP (Quality Assurance Program) Dealer for mobility solutions that fits your needs. You can also visit their website to learn more about their services and the benefits of being a NMEDA member.
As a piece of advice, be sure to purchase your needed wheechair accessible vehicle from NMEDA member because if you purchase it online or from a non-NMEDA dealer, you might not be able to receive the same services ( mentioned above).

This is a wonderful company to help disable people to feel comfy when they appointments. I ride one of them while working at a nursing home :-) It is very easy to contact them and s quick with their service too :-)
It is a great one. Definitely helps disabled people to be in and out of the vehicle in that way they still have the choice to go get out of the house, into the vehicle and travel. And to be able to get in and out of the vehicle that way easily is wonderful.
only in America so to speak :D
i've seen something like this and they were Filipinos too. They have disable family member and it's very convenient to have a disable-friendly van for these people.
i blogged about this before as well. this is a very good company that sell and support people with disability to keep mobile despite the fact of being disable. i truly honor them and thank God for these people.
i blogged about this before as well. this is a very good company that sell and support people with disability to keep mobile despite the fact of being disable. i truly honor them and thank God for these people.
very nice service for elderly indeed. wish my father in law had this when he was alive, he would've had an active lifestyle as he can be easily driven out from home to the places he wants to visit.
my sister in law had MS and she had one of these ...it's a great help
“Some people with disabilities found independence by using wheelchair accessible vehicle.” – I most certainly agree! Mobility vehicles gave people with disability the freedom to go to different places comfortably and with ease. With mobility vehicles, they will not be restricted to one place, and they can enjoy the road like everybody else does.
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