
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Information on Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an inflammatory disease of the Central Nervous System (CNS) - that's the brain and spinal cord. Predominantly, it is a disease of the "white matter" tissue. MS can be and often is a very serious disease but almost nobody loses function in all possible areas and some people are affected much worse than others.

MS is usually a slowly progressing disease and few people, if any, experience all the possible symptoms. The following are Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms (either fully or partially) - numbness, tingling, pins and needles, muscle weakness, muscle spasms, cramps, pain, blindness, blurred or double vision, incontinence, urinary urgency or hesitancy, constipation, slurred speech, loss of sexual function, loss of balance, nausea, disabling fatigue, depression, short term memory problems, other forms of cognitive dysfunction, inability to swallow, inability to control breathing ... you name it. You need not be alarmed with the above mentioned symptoms as other people will have only very mild and occasional symptoms. Understanding Multiple Sclerosis Symptoms, Diet & Exercise will help people with MS live a fulfilled and active lives.

It is important to understand that MS can change the biochemistry of the brain, thus it is understood that there will be many changes. There is so much to learn about MS and there is a wealth of information that you can find at!


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