When I fell bored, I want to watch movies that will make me laugh...

Tropic Thunder never fails to entertain me. I just find this very funny that I will end up laughing endlessly. Definitely a boredome solution for me.

I love this movie because I can relate to most scenes when it comes to having a big family. Greek traditions has similarity to Filipino traditions. I guess watching this movie eases my homesickness. It makes me laugh how family reacts when marrying not your kind. Cute and funny.
Please visit The Bumbles Blog and see what movies can ease your boredom.
Makalingaw ang tropic thunder, ang big fat greek dili kayao ko ganahan but their okay. visit ko kadyot.
hahhaha...makamuot ko ani nga mga movies...lol! korek jud mami..similar sa pinoy....:)kalas kau pag naa events....tanan tambong...lol!
Tropic Thunder is hilarious great pick me up, and Greek wedding is almost classic comedy for me at least, I can watch this one over and over!
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