
Monday, June 14, 2010

Father's Day Again

Guest blog post from my friend Caroline Hammons.

Here it is, another June, which means I'm shopping for Father's Day once more. All my plans about buying gifts months in advance went right out the window. Fortunately, I can quickly shop online with my wild blue internet, and get the job done quickly, as Father's Day is coming up fast.

Since my father is interested in work, more work, and oh, of course, lots of work, that pretty much leaves the selections pared down to tools, only. He's the handy, do-all, fix-it guy in our family. Because of this, he has many specialized tools already. He has hand tools, and power tools, and enough of each to stuff a couple of garages. I looked on the satellite internet for something he didn’t have, but it was difficult to find something.

I wish he had a hobby, besides fixing my kitchen sink when it clogs. Then he would be easy to shop for. He might have time for one, if he didn't have me. Unfortunately, he doesn't golf, he doesn't wear a watch, or jewelry, nor does he care for the occasional silly t-shirt.

This leaves me somewhere between shop towels and a portable air compressor. Perhaps it should be sheetrock nails, since he went through all of his working on my basement. Or band aids, for the next project. That's it. Perfect. And then the late night phone call when the air conditioner breaks. It’s amazing that not even my amazing wild blue satellite internet could find something for me to get my dad. It just goes to show how picky he is and how he really doesn’t want anything.


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