
Friday, March 12, 2010

Friday Fill - In (3/12/10)

irish clover we go!

1. I am so looking forward to our next Philippine vacation?

2. I will see you later.

3. When you get a chance please visit my other blogs ( Mouth's Delight and Daily Snippets.

4. Family and friends is a big part of my life.

5. If you need anything just haller.

6. Our summer trip will be a trip to remember.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to a date with hubby, tomorrow my plans include attending Lotlot's bday party and watching Pacquiao-Clottey fight and Sunday, I want to stay home and relax!


Anonymous said...

I need to plan a date with my husband! Have a great weekend!

Unknown said...

Aguy free patalastas hehe

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