
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Urinary Pain

I started having urinary pain early Sunday. This is the first time that I had urinary pain this bad since I can remember. The first thing that came to my mind is UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). I have seen my sisters have this kind of condition before and it was hard. The second thing is perhaps I am pregnant... as in OMG! but then again, I didn't miss my period so somehow I lean towards UTI than being pregnant. To make sure, we did buy a pregnancy test and it is negative so, right now I know I have bad infection.

I called my ob-gyn's office early Monday to schedule an appointment. The earliest they can give me is this coming Friday. I went back to sleep and woke up around noon. But then, I feel worse so I called the doctor's office again and explained that I don't think I can wait for Friday's appointment. So I told them that even if different doctor I wouldn't mind as long as someone will see me the earliest possible. So, I got a new appointment Tuesday at 8:30am.

Anyway, when Mom learned about my condition, Dan and Mom came over to pick us up so that I have helped with Andrea but I refuse since I just don't feel like going out. Mom brought me a medicine called AZO Standard Maximum Strength for Urinary Pain. I think it helped.

It was so nice of Mom to offer help to take care of Andrea and of course to bring me medicine. Thanks to both Mom and Dan.

I will have updates on my condition after I will see the doctor tomorrow. For now, time to sleep since we have early appointment.


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